Make every activity and calories intake count towards a longer and happier dog's life.

Bluetooth connection

Pawsm Bowl connects to your phone and measures the perfect amount of food

Perfect meal quantity

More activity means more burned calories, so we calculate the optimal meal quantity for your dog.

Awesome mobile APP

Pawsm App for IOS and Android, includes detailed nutrition for over 5000 dog food products and all dog breeds.

Made to last

A hard shell plastic body and a detachable dishwasher safe metallic insert. We use BPA free plastic for our product.

User friendly

You should not to be a vet to have a dog. There is a lot of science under the hood, but we try making it as simple as possible for you.

Dog friendly

You are your dog's lifelong companion. We help you make your dog's life longer, better and healthier.

The smart dog bowl


Pet nutrition can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Pawsm will help you find and measure the perfect meal for your dog. May PAWSM be a part of your dog’s every day.

The smart dog bowl


The Pawsm BOWL directly measures how much food is added and because it is linked to the mobile app, the meals are even automatically updated into Pawsm App.

The smart dog bowl


Pawsm will give you personalized results based on your dog`s age, weight, breed, activity and match them with our detailed nutrition info on over 5000 dog foods on market.

The smart dog bowl


Helps your dog fight beauty or malnourishment. Good nutrition is more than just calories. Balance of nutrition metter. May PAWSM be a part of your dog`s every day.


We are a simple group of people that absolutely love dogs! We adore our furry friends and we want them to be healthy, active and with us for as long as possible. Our passion made us wonder how to best achieve that.

The smart dog bowl

Žiga Živoder

Product manage

The smart dog bowl

Živa Zajc


The smart dog bowl

Vasja Lebar

Lead Developer

The smart dog bowl

Matej Drnovšek

Graphic designer

The smart dog bowl

Matej Uduč

Writer & Researcher

The smart dog bowl

Kaja Železnik

Community & Support

The smart dog bowl


The Boss

PAWSM Mobile App

Your dog`s unique diet and nutrition mobile app. App includes detailed nutrition for over 5000 dog food products and matches your dog with the perfect food and feeding schedule. Download and use it for FREE.

The smart dog bowlThe smart dog bowl
The smart dog bowl


Need more info? Please have a look at the tech specs of the Pawsm. We`ve used latest technology and quality materials.





Javni razpis: P2R Spodbuda za zagon podjetji v problemskih območjih v letih 2020-2021

Podjetje PAWSM d.o.o. je na javnem razpisu  Spodbuda za zagon podjetji v problemskih območjih v letih 2020-2021 ( P2R 2020/2021 ) uspešni pridobilo sofinanciranje za projekt » Pridobitev nepovratnih sredstev za uspešen zagon podjetja PAWSM d.o.o., ter v podporo vzpostavitve proizvodnje, razvoj produkta in širitev prodaje na domačem in tujem trgu«.

Namen javnega razpisa je spodbuditi zagon novoustanovljenih podjetij na problemskih območjih. S podporo se izboljša poslovanje in izvedba razvojnih potencialov z namenom zniževanja stopnje umrljivosti v začetnem obdobju poslovanja ter izboljša lastna konkurenčnost na domačih oz. tujih trgih.

Cilj javnega razpisa z vidika Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020 je prispevati k specifičnemu cilju prednostne naložbe » Spodbujanje podjetništva, zlasti z omogočanjem lažje gospodarske izrabe novih idej in spodbujanjem ustanavljanja novih podjetji, vključno s podjetniškimi inkubatorji«. V ta namen se spreminja specifični kazalnik » povečanje indeksa podjetniške dejavnosti«

Cilji javnega razpisa so:

  • Zmanjšanje razvojnega zaostanka na problemskih območjih
  • Zagon novih podjetji
  • Nova delavna mesta in zaposlovanje

Aktivnosti podjetja PAWSM d.o.o. v okviru operacije P2R Spodbuda za zagon podjetji v problemskih območjih v letih 2020-2021sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za razvoj.


Pawsm BOWL


We will soon start a Kickstarter campaign.

Make sure you reserve your spot today.